JReady was created by The Jewish Agency for Israel as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenging consequences that continue to impact Jewish communities around the world. JReady is a “by the community, for the community” initiative, designed to assist with emergency preparedness, response, and rehabilitation. The JReady platform offers the opportunity to learn about innovations in the field of crisis management, consult with top experts, review policy and ‘best practices’, participate in high-level webinars, and develop skills to better respond to crises. We cultivate global, national, communal, and personal resilience by equipping Jewish communities with the tools to address current and future challenges.

Central to our mission is the Jewish value of “Kol Israel Arevim Ze Baze”, that all Jews are responsible for one another. Harnessing the power of our global networks, JReady consolidates resources and capabilities to better assist and protect Jewish communities in need all around the world.

I am proud to sit at the helm of this important and exciting initiative, having humbly accepted the opportunity presented to me by President of the State of Israel, Mr. Isaac Herzog. During his time as Chairman of The Jewish Agency for Israel, President Herzog became deeply acquainted and involved with the challenges of our global Jewish people, a recognition which gave rise to this critical initiative at a pivotal point in our history.

There is great strength in unity. We will be able to overcome any challenges life throws our way if we confront them together.

Thank you for being a part of this with us.


Adv. Ayelet Nahmias Verbin

Chair of the JReady Platform