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Global Jewish Community Resilience During Turbulent Times in Israel: A Conversation with Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin and Avi Mayer

Webinar recording

14.06.2023 | 00:00 | UTC+03

Ayelet Nahmias Verbin and Avi Mayer

Hosted by JReady and featuring JReady’s Chair, Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin, and Jerusalem Post’s Editor-in-chief, Avi Mayer, this webinar featured a conversation between these key figures to understand the challenges and opportunities that the turbulent times in Israel create for Jewish communities worldwide.

Some of the topics discussed:

Jewish community’s concerns in uncertain times, like
the complexity of the moment of the Israeli state.

How to communicate all parties’ respect and mutual
understanding in a dialogue.

Anti-Semitism as a significant challenge on the rise
in the United States and Europe.

How anti-zionism is a new form of anti-Semitism and
affects the daily lives of Jews worldwide.