
Training Arena

Professional volunteer management training

Enhance effective volunteerism and volunteer management in your community or organization with the expertise of the Israeli Volunteering Council and JReady

Tool Kit

AI monitoring tool by Fighting Online Antisemitism (FOA)


An external interface algorithm for social media implemented within FOA’s systems, empowering its trained volunteers to monitor, report, and eliminate nearly tenfold...

Report Hateful Content on Social Media


Encountered hateful content on social media? Our partners from Fighting Online Antisemitism will take care of...



Vome Volunteer is an all-in-one volunteer management solution & mobile that helps organizations streamline administrative workflows and the volunteer journey! The...

Hagai – Volunteer Food Delivery Application


"Hagai" food delivery mobile app was successfully tested in Israel by The Home Front Command with over 700,000 food baskets. The app enables to assign volunteers with...

Expert Consultation

Yehonatan Shvartzman

Founder & director of Shvartzman & Co. Capacity Development Consulting firm

Yehonatan Shvartzman is the Founder & director of Shvartzman & Co. Capacity Development Consulting firm and formerly the Director of the Volunteering Department at the...

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Alan Gill

Executive Vice President Emeritus, JDC

Alan Gill, is one of the Jewish world's transformative professional leaders. His vision and career have exemplified and put into direct action the notion of global...

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Chen Cshnabel

Volunteers management and training expert, Latet

Chen Cshnabel is Latet's volunteers management and training expert. Since 2018, Chen and her team of 4 employees are responsible for the recruitment and creation a...

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Linor Attias

Emergency Officer, Ministry of Justice

Linor Attias is an emergency management specialist in civil society, with over a decade of experience in managing security emergencies crises, leading philanthropic...

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Dr. Eli Jaffe

Deputy Director General, Magen David Adom

Eli Jaffe, MDA, PhD, EMT-P, is the Deputy Director General of Training, PR, Volunteer Activities, Marketing and International Relations Division, of the Israeli national...

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Ronit Bar

Director of The Israeli National Council for Volunteering

Director of the Israeli National Council for Volunteering, Director and Founder of the Israeli Volunteer Network. Facilitator at the School of Volunteer...

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Dr. Einav Levy

Director of The Israeli School of Humanitarian Action

Einav Levy is the Founding Director of The Israeli School of Humanitarian Action and Lucien Research center for Humanitarian Action. He is also the head of the stress...

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Anva Ratzon

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Expert

Anva Ratzon is a social worker specializing in Community & Organizational Development and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Anva works as a freelance consultant focusing on...

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Best Practices

Practice title
File Type
Secure Community Network
Secure Community Network

United States

Volunteers are critically important to emergency management operations. They bring a wide variety of skills and expertise
that can be utilized to enhance the existing emergency response framework. This document will guide you through the
various volunteer organizations that you may encounter as well as provide tips for volunteering and implementing
volunteer programs within your own organization.

Alice Chadwick & Bianca Fadel
Alice Chadwick & Bianca Fadel

International Association for Volunteer Effort
United KIngdom

In this context paper, we explore how community-based volunteering building upon existing social
structures and practices can foster both resilience to crisis and sustainable development. The
connection between volunteering and community resilience is now in sharper focus than ever due
to the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 has highlighted how communities come together to support
each other at times of crisis, through the emergence of organised and spontaneous volunteering to
help people to protect themselves from the coronavirus disease and get through the tough social and
economic measures put in place to contain it.

The Israeli Volunteering Council
The Israeli Volunteering Council


The advent of the Corona virus pandemic necessitates changes in life’s routine and consequently, new guidelines. To preserve life – we have no choice but to change our routine. The following are some mandatory guidelines to be adhered to before, during and after your volunteer work

The Israeli Volunteering Council
The Israeli Volunteering Council


In light of the current situation, many organizations are shifting their volunteer activity to online virtual channels. What
does this mean? How can it best be done? We are here to help

Israel Trauma Coalition
Israel Trauma Coalition


The current pandemic presents us all with a unique challenge. Society at large is facing a crisis that we did
not prepare for and is fraught with many challenges both personal and public. The policy of physical
distancing is causing feelings of abject loneliness amongst many elderly citizens exacerbated by the
cancelling of all their social clubs and leisure activities. As volunteers you have an opportunity to express
caring, concern and to convey the important message that they “are not alone.” In addition, your meeting
is an occasion to show respect and appreciation for the elderly, curiosity and interest in their personal
history and experiences as well as to share your own experiences, outlook and pursuits.

Social Services