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Jonathan (Yoni) Michanie

Research and Data Manager at Combat Antisemitism Movement

Jonathan (Yoni) is the Combat Antisemitism Movement's Research and Data Manager, an expert in the field of combatting antisemitism and a doctoral student in the Department of Political Science at Northeastern University.

Originally from Buenos Aires, Yoni specializes in International Relations and Middle East Politics. He has an MA from Reichman University in Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution and served as a paratrooper in the IDF. 

Yoni’s writings have been published in The Jerusalem Post, Jewish Journal, Washington Examiner, National Interest, Daily Wire, La Opinion, Jewish News Syndicate, The Forward, and Newsweek.

Yoni is an expert in: 

  • History of antisemitism
  • Antisemitism on college campuses
  • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
  • Middle East Politics
  • United Nations

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