covid-19 resilience workbook

Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services “My COVID-19 Resilience Workbook” is a fun workbook for children ages 5-10, designed to promote emotional well-being and resilience.

Download the PDF workbooks from Ohel’s website:...

#best_practices | #education

covid-19 resilience workbook- for yeshiva/day school

Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services “My COVID-19 Resilience Workbook” is a fun workbook for children ages 5-10, designed to promote emotional well-being and resilience.

Download the PDF workbooks from Ohel’s website:...

#best_practices | #education

covid-19 resilience workbook- for teachers

Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services “My COVID-19 Resilience Workbook – Teachers Guide”, is a guide for teachers to implement the My COVID-19 Resilience Workbook in class.

Download the PDF workbooks from Ohel’s website:...

#best_practices | #education

poster: covid-19 safety tips and guidelines for synagogues

A series of informational posters in English, designed by the Union of Orthodox Synagogues in South Africa for billboard posting in shuls. The posters contain various public health regulations relating to responsible conduct during the coronavirus...

#best_practices | #health

remote health care services for people with disabilities and elderly during the covid-19 crisis

Access Israel guidelines to remote health care services fot people with disabilities and elderly during COVID-19...

#best_practices | #health

accessibility in the police work during the covid-19 crisis

These guidelines were written by Access Israel in order to assits law inforcment agemcies to promote accessibale and sensitive services to people with disabilities or the elderly...

#best_practices | #eldery

old and new antisemitism in the time of covid-19

A webinar initiated by Keren Hayesod UIA.Old and new Antisemitism in the time of COVID-19 – age of delusions! How do we take it from here? Brig. Gen (Ret.) Sima Vaknin- Gil – head of Global Combat of Antisemitism Program, Abba Eban Institute; Former, Director General,...

#webinar | #anti-semitism

coping with covid-19

A practical guide to dealing with the psychological effects of Corona: What does it mean when yesterday does not predict today and tomorrow
The Author Mooli Lahad full Professor of psychology Founder and President of CSPC [] This paper includes two...

#best_practices | #mental-health

self-isolation compliance in the covid-19 era influenced by compensation:

To contain the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, health and government authorities have imposed sweeping selfquarantine
orders for communities worldwide. Health officials assume that the public will have high rates of compliance. However, studies

#best_practices | #crisis-management

tarasa – community memories in times of covid-19

The local memories of each community travel between people, places, objects, and homes the members of the councils know their stories well. TARASA is the Place to Share the Memories of Anyone, from Everywhere, and Anytime. It offers adventures wandering over a global map, on...

#app | #eldery

covid-19 guidelines for volunteers

The current pandemic presents us all with a unique challenge. Society at large is facing a crisis that we did
not prepare for and is fraught with many challenges both personal and public. The policy of physical
distancing is causing feelings of abject loneliness...

#best_practices | #volunteerism

covid-19: advice for community rabbis

In times of crisis, community Rabbis and lay leaders have a unique role in maintaining and nurturing
personal and community resilience. Rabbis are inundated with halakhic questions regarding prayer
gatherings, lessons, issues of closeness and distance. Behind each...

#best_practices | #mental-health

covid-19: advice for parents

We are witnessing the spread of COVID-19 around the world. The virus is a new kind of concern, not
something we are used to dealing with and as such causes stress, affect our emotional state and that
of our children. We need to increase the ability to cope with...

#best_practices | #mental-health

covid-19: psychosocial advice to patients

Staying in isolation out of fear of contracting COVID-19, waiting for the test result, and the diagnosis
itself naturally brings tremendous stress. Uncertainty, coupled with fear for the future, can result from
being separated from your loved ones.
All of...

#best_practices | #mental-health

covid-19: remote therapeutic intervention

During these days, of stress and uncertainty, remote intervention allows us to maintain therapeutic
continuum, to provide assistance to those in need, and overcome the limitations of social distancing
currently required. This option is also suitable for use in...

#best_practices | #mental-health

covid-19: psychosocial support for medical teams

Caregivers are exposed to many situations in which they experience emotional, cognitive, behavioral
and physiological reactions that cause difficulties and stress. A significant factor that causes stress is
the fear of contagion. The family and their immediate...

#best_practices | #health

covid-19: advice for the elderly

These are uncertain times. We are all concerned, we miss our dear ones and hope for better days. We are all required to exercise caution and adhere to the government’s guidelines and instructions for our particular location. This is a tough challenge for all of us....

#best_practices | #eldery

effects of the covid-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown on trust, attitudes towards government, and wellbeing

This study describes the immediate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide lockdown on levels of institutionaltrust and attitudes towards the nation and government, and health and wellbeingin New Zealand,with implications for other nations. Our results suggest that a...

#best_practices |

strengthening preparedness for covid-19 in cities and urban settings

Preparedness in cities and other urban settlements is critical for effective national, regional and global responses to COVID-19. These settings face unique dynamics that affect preparedness – they serve as travel hubs, have a higher risk of disease spread due to high...

#best_practices | #health

oximet covid-19 monitoring and early detection project

A central lesson learned based on the accumulation of experience in treating Covid-19 patients is that early treatment is key to avoid life-endangering deterioration. Since most patients have only mild symptoms that do not require medical treatment and are kept at home, the...

#best_practices | #health

israel’s social services best practices during the covid-19 outbreak

The COVID-19 outbreak introduced to the modern world a pandemic not seen on thisscale for approximately a century. The health struggle -learning about the virus, how to reduce its morbidity and how to treat those who contracted it -was compounded by other crises...

#best_practices | #social-services

oleg livshitz

Oleg is an expert in the field of crisis logistics and preparedness, with vast experience in logistics management – warehouse management, inventory, and design of sensitive, consumable and expensive equipment and proven experience in emergency and disaster management. He is...

#experts | #logistics

5 tips to increase public trust and compliance

These 5 tips by JReady expert Dr. Moran Bodas, will help you build trust and compliance in your community with covid-19 regulations and...

#best_practices | #health

israel vs. coronavirus: the inside story of israel’s national response to the coronavirus pandemic

In the global fight to conquer COVID-19, one nation has shined brighter than the rest. Israel’s vaccine rollout is radically outpacing every other country on the planet. What’s the secret to Israel’s success? Find out by joining us for an intimate conversation, in...

#webinar | #health

cyber threat fraud and crime

Organizations and individuals always need to be on guard against cyber-threats and online fraud schemes – but particularly now during the COVID-19 pandemic when so many people are working from home. The webinar was brought by the Secure Community Network (SCN), the security...

#webinar | #cyber-security

addressing cyber safety & security

Current events highlight the necessity of the “all-hazards, whole-community” approach: a comprehensive effort where plans and
efforts address the totality of potential threats – from an attack to a natural disaster, whether a flood or a pandemic.

#best_practices | #cyber-security

safety & security considerations for facility closures

In response to COVID-19 and with many Jewish agency facilities closing, canceling or postponing events, remotely
working, and supporting our communities in unique ways, the below information can help provide some simple
crime prevention tips and best practices...

#best_practices | #health

jewish community guide for reopening facilities and resuming operations

States and localities have begun allowing for the reopening or partial reopening of certain businesses and institutions following closures caused by COVID-19, leaving Jewish institutions and facilities grappling with how and when to do so safely and responsibly. Because the...

#best_practices | #health

considerations for reopening and resumption of operations

Our community organizations are facing conditions unlike many have ever experienced. Responsible measures to contain the COVID-19 outbreak have led thousands of facilities, including synagogues, community centers, schools, senior centers, camps and workplaces to close down,...

#best_practices | #health

a passover haggadah supplement

This year of COVID-19 disrupted the flow of our lives and created crisis situations that children and adults, families, communities, and nations now have to contend with. With the passing of time, and as many people have already been vaccinated or are recovering from...

#best_practices | #jewish-life

navigating vaccine hesitancy in the jewish community

Hope is finally on the horizon one year into the Covid-19 pandemic, yet public mistrust of vaccines threatens to undermine their tremendous potential. Please join our distinguished panelists for a discussion of the history, implications and best practices for addressing vaccine...

#webinar | #health

returning to shuls: checklist for community leaders

COVID-19 health and safety checklist for leaders and organizers of congregations. The document provides a concise yet comprehensive list of protocols to ensure the safe and responsible reopening of places of worship within the...

#best_practices | #health

colonel (ret) avi (avraham) cohen

Who is Avi? Colonel (Ret) Avi (Avraham) Cohen had served as commander at IDF C5i Branch, cyber defense and Electronic Warfare for 30 years. He is a Digital Transformation and Digital Strategy Architecture Specialist. He is the Co-founder of SYN-RG-Ai- a consulting and...

#experts | #crisis-management


RiskLevel is an anonymous questionnaire to help women assess if they are at-risk from a partner and what their resources are. Why was it needed? One of the sad consequences of COVID-19 is a dramatic increase in domestic violence. Therefore, Hilma – in collaboration with...

#publication | #health

prof. gal ifergane

Who is Gal? Prof. Ifergane completed his education and training in BGU and Soroka Medical Center in Beer-Sheva, Israel. In his military service as an IDF medical officer he commanded a combat medical support battalion and as a coordinator of medical operations in the medical...

#experts | #health

galit palzur

Ms. Galit Palzur is an economist, specializing in corporate risk management of natural disasters and extreme events, writing her PhD dissertation on the subject at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. She advises and accompanies private and public bodies in her...

#experts | #community-resilience

prof. eli waxman

Who is Eli? Prof. Eli Waxman serves as the Chairman of the advisory board to the Israeli National Security Council at the COVID-19 pandemic. He consaults to local authorities, organizations and Jewish Communities around the...

#experts | #health

exiting corona crisis wisely

A webinar initiated by TAU in regards of the Exit Strategies from COVID-19 pandemic. Moderator: Dr. Bruria Adini, School of Public Health Participants: Prof. Ady Pauzner, Eitan Berglas School of Economics Prof. Irad Ben-GAL, Dpartment of Industrial Engineering Prof. Ariel...

#webinar | #health

naama yardeni

Naama Yardeni is one of the key staff of Latet. As the Director of Latet’s Aid for Life Department since 2017, she is in charge of providing direct assistance to more than 1,000 Holocaust survivors in need (food, home repairs, paramedical assistance and loneliness relief)....

#experts | #social-services

mental health implications of emergencies

Tel Aviv University Summer 2020 Course: COVID-19: From Crisis to...

#best_practices | #mental-health

dr. shafir botner

Dr. Botner is the Director of Magen David Adom Paramedic Education Center. During COVIS-19 he served as MDA representative to development & innovation team for COVID19 with IDF, Inelegance agency, MOH, General Security Services & Prime Minister’s...

#experts | #health

from chaos to relief

On September 14, 2020, we held our first virtual conference on the impact of Covid-19 on vulnerable populations, and the response of the American and Israeli civil societies to the challenges posed by the pandemic. As Latet’s CEO Eran Weintrob said, “we consider this...

#webinar | #volunteerism

el halev ​- building safer communities

The last few months of our lives have been different from anything we have ever experienced before. Lockdowns, uncertainty, frustration – all over the world, these have created a collective feeling of helplessness in the face of Covid-19. They have also contributed to an...

#publication | #social-services

stayhomestaysocial – phone conversations between generations

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to engulf our way of living, it is further exacerbating the challenges faced by everyone, and in particular older adults. In response to this crisis, we have come together to address some of the acute social needs of the older population....

#app | #eldery

king david return to school guide

A Phased Approach to
Resuming Schooling under...

#best_practices | #education

volunteerism and community resilience: locally owned solutions delivering impact

In this context paper, we explore how community-based volunteering building upon existing social
structures and practices can foster both resilience to crisis and sustainable development. The
connection between volunteering and community resilience is now in...

#best_practices | #volunteerism

operational stress management (osm)

Operational Stress Management (OSM) During COVID-19 – firefighters Live Webinar and Q&A for Members of the New Jersey FIRE Service with the Jersey City/Newark Urban Areas Security Initiative’s OSM Fire Trainers and Experts from NATAL: Israel Trauma & Resiliency...

#webinar | #mental-health

neighbours taking action

Responding to the rise in informal volunteering The response from people wanting to help with the COVID-19 crisis has been overwhelming. Much of this has been about people simply wanting to do something helpful for their neighbours. This rise in informal volunteering is...

#webinar | #volunteerism

constructing school operations for remote-learning contingencies

It is still unclear how long our educational system will be required to operate remotely. Thus, due consideration must be afforded to how our schools may best respond to the new circumstances created by the Covid-19 pandemic....

#best_practices | #education

going out? do it safely!

Safety Guidelines in light of COVID-19 pandemic as it was published by the Canadian...

#best_practices | #health

helping and supporting students when a parent has coronavirus

During the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, as we continue to struggle with infection, there are situations where one or both parents are ill. In less severe situations, the patients are isolated at home or in a hotel, but when their condition is more serious, they may be...

#best_practices | #education

volunteer management in a crisis

In the event of a disaster or emergency volunteers are often needed to provide practical and emotional support as they aid victims, support the delivery of government/public services and help rebuild communities. Volunteer management is key to achieving the effective involvement...

#webinar | #volunteerism

who we are

JReady was created by The Jewish Agency for Israel as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenging consequences that continue to impact Jewish communities around the world. JReady is a “by the community, for the community” initiative, designed to assist...

#page |