Jewish Community Guide for Reopening Facilities and Resuming Operations

JReady | Secure Community Network

Secure Community Network


States and localities have begun allowing for the reopening or partial reopening of certain businesses and institutions following closures caused by COVID-19, leaving Jewish institutions and facilities grappling with how and when to do so safely and responsibly. Because the top concern should be the health and safety of your community members, the most important fact to remember is this: Just because it is legal or permitted to reopen does not mean you have to reopen immediately; organizations and facilities ought to make decisions based on a combination of factors, to include what they are prepared for and what is best for them—and with consideration given to the sentiment of their communities. The decisions we make today will affect our communities for years to come. They cannot be made lightly, and actions should not be taken hastily. In addition to the health and safety concerns, we must always take into account Jewish values while making these decisions. While at times challenging, a careful, inclusive approach can strengthen the bonds of community and allow us to emerge stronger. To address these challenges and in response to feedback as well as requests from key partners and stakeholders, the Secure Community Network (SCN) convened a Resumption of Operations and Organizational Reopening Working Group, made up of security directors, partners and subject matter experts from an array of disciplines. This working group has produced materials and documents to guide the Jewish community and other faith-based organizations as they reopen.

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