A Guide for Parents on how to Speak with Their Children about Concerns Regarding the Corona Virus

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Dr. Yochi Siman Tov, Riva Schechter and Rachel Moshe Avraham

Ministry of Education


“Not infrequently, we hear of cases where students and their teachers are required to quarantine in the home, following exposure to confirmed cases of the corona virus. It appears that we will be dealing with this situation for the foreseeable future. It engenders feelings of helplessness, a loss of control, and ongoing uncertainty, and as such is the cause of fears and worries. A direct and open conversation can be calming, gives security and provides a feeling that there is someone who can be relied upon. As is always the case, but especially now, it’s very important to strengthen the connection between parents and their children, and to provide a feeling of safety and security as much as possible. Parents have a responsibility to explain the situation to their children and help them understand what is happening and the coping methods which they can use.”

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