The Six C’s Model

The 6 C's is a Mental First Aid protocol and training intended to be used by anyone to become a mental health first responder in a crisis

The Six Cs model was created to provide PFA skills to professionals and non-professionals alike during emergency and/or stressful situations.   In this perspective, each member of society has the ability to become a first responder, providing PFA to those in need.  As an outcome, the community’s resilience and independence increase dramatically, in turn allowing a community to care for itself during crises and gain control of chaotic situations that involve panicked individuals or crowds. 

Subsequently, the PFA skills learned through the Six Cs model allow an individual to return to full effective functioning within minutes during a challenging event and reduce the risk of secondary traumatization to a minimum.

The Six Cs model was developed by ICFR co-founder Dr. Moshe Farchi. The Six Cs is an acronym that represents the model’s six intervention principles: Communication, Commitment, Cognition, Continuity, Control, and Challenge. Each principle offers several behavioral and verbal techniques to reduce stress responses, restore self-efficacy, and restore the person’s ability to function during emergency situations and times of heightened stress.

For training in the 6 C’s model, please contact JReady on this page contact form.

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