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What is HEADWAY?

Over the last decade, the number of working-poor families has increased worldwide. They include single-parent families, immigrants, survivors of domestic violence, large families and more. They may be employed in low-wage jobs or only part-time. And now, in the wake of the Covid crisis, the financial state of many of these families has deteriorated further.

These growing economic gaps can lead to abuse, cycles of poverty and social unrest. Headway,” families are empowered to reach selfsufficiency. Each has a case manager who creates a tailored program for each household that includes family counseling, financial management, improved employment and improved income potential.

Based on the family’s individual needs, he or she refers them to parenting mentors, career guidance and tools to access government resources until they can stand on their own feet. Headway was developed by Yedidut Toronto (YT), an Israeli nonprofit organization that identifies unmet social welfare needs and creates effective, cost -efficient intervention models that empower people to become self-sufficient.

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