The Community Stress Prevention Centre (CSPC) is the oldest organization in Israel that deals with the treatment and prevention of psychotrauma. CSPC promotes stress and crisis management on national, organizational, community and individual levels worldwide. CSPC has been providing both multidisciplinary treatment and support to victims of psycho-trauma due to terror and war within Israel for over 37 years.
We invite you to look into the selection of training and courses, which can all be tailormade for your specific community and institution’s needs:
CISM & CIPR critical incident stress management
CISM is a model of stress debriefing following a potentially traumatic incident. CSPC’s version is Critical Incident Processing and Recovery -CISM, which was developed to answer previous criticism. CISM is an effective group intervention aimed at creating opportunities to ventilate the event; validate symptoms and behaviors, creating cognitive maps of the event and connect to coping mechanisms. following the group conversation, there is a psychoeducation segment that relates to information of expected behaviors. The group of up to 12 participants will gather at least 48 hours post-event with 2 moderators. The process lasts around 3 hours and is repeated within 2 weeks especially to demonstrate that the symptoms do subside.
Community Emergency Response Teams – CERTs
CERTs are local volunteers (Mainly) committees that are trained and able to manage community crises by maintaining business (functional continuity). CSPC trainers are ready to map needs and resources of an organization, through the life cycle of events: preparedness, mitigation, intervention and recovery, add missing elements into a coherent SOP, train the CERTs and teach it to operate in times of community crises.
Psychological First Aid – PFA
Quick intervention following a traumatic event can be the difference between a functional and self-preserved person and a traumatized victim. PFA is usually done in individual or small groups session which are aimed at empowering victims into self-help. The process also assists in triaging symptoms and decisions over extended care.
6 Basic Ph- the Multi-Dimensional Model of coping and resilience
Basic Ph – the Multi-Dimensional Model of Coping and Resilience is a central tool in CSPC’s work created by Prof. Mooli Lahad. It is based on 6 identified coping channels that describe the way individuals and groups interact with the world and cope with changes.
The identification of channels used by participants in a social interaction creates improved communication and may be used for group analysis, assistance in coping on all levels and planning interventions
6 Golden Coping channels
The model was specially modified to work with the elderly in adapted workshops that are highly praised by the participants. It is offered in 2 formats: 1. Is for older participants and 2. For people that work with the elderly.
Breaking bad news
Delivering bad news is not only about the technical elements of the protocol. Obviously, there are coping issues of the receivers and the deliverers. The training relates to the protocol and best practices, as to the mental burden of being the bad news breaker, it relates to cultural intelligence, and to various age groups. The main focus is the mental health of the news breakers.
Professional Quality of Life
The helping professions come with a toll paid by the professionals. The common talk used to be over compassion fatigue and secondary traumatization, yet in the past 10-15 years the shift is towards compassion satisfaction and secondary resilience. The workshop aims at keeping the professionals at both sides of the continuum, and teaching methods for self-care, and mindful use of rituals to separate work life and private life.